
Around the Best Times in College

Years After .... It’s Senior Year! The most exciting time of your life up to this point. You are nearing the end of a twelve year journey that you really thought would never actually end. Finally! But there’s so much to do….. pictures, papers, graduation invitations, homework, life, AND… college. Oh yeah, learning doesn’t end after high school. I don’t know about you but I was so ready to go to college, or so I thought. I went to an EXTREMELY busy school. I’m talking really busy. There were two other girls in my graduating class. That was it. I loved it and while I was ready to be done with high school I was not quite ready to leave my school. I cried when I gave my speech on graduation day. That was my family and I knew I would not see them near as often as I had in the past two years that I had attended the school. The summer leading up to my first year of college was intense. I had just entered a relationship two months before I graduated. I was hired to work at a summer c